Digital Electronics

Welcome to your Digital Electronics  MCQ practice assessment.

Switch debouncer is a

Positive logic in a logic circuit is one in which

Which of the following options comes under the non – saturated logic family in Digital Electronics?

How many cycles of addition and shifting in a 4 – bit multiplier are required to perform multiplication using the shift method?

Which of these flip – flops cannot be used to construct a serial shift register? a) D – flip flop

A method for organizing and manipulating a data buffer, where the oldest (first) entry, or 'head of the queue, is processed first is termed as

Any signed negative binary number is recognised by its ________

Which of the following gives the correct number of multiplexers required to build a 32 x 1 multiplexer?

Which of the following codes is a sequential code?

The maximum number of inputs (load) that can be connected to the out- put of a gate without degrading the normal operation is

Asynchronous logic is thought can be superior because its speed is not constrained b

The given hexadecimal number (1E.53)16 is equivalent to ____________

Which of the following digital logic circuits can be used to add more than 1 – bit simultaneously?

What is the octal equivalent of the binary number: 10111101

A hexadecimal odometer displays F52F. The next reading will be

Circuits that manipulate analog signals for its particular operation is termed as

What value is to be considered for a “don’t care condition”?

Which of the following options represent the synchronous control inputs in an S – R flip flop?

The quantity of double word is ________

Logic performed by semiconductor diodes and small ferrite toroidal cores for moderate speed and moderate power level is

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