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Objectives: To provide a comprehensive overview of power electronics and to test readers’ knowledge of the subject with multiple choice questions.

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In its application, an SUS behaves in the same way as

The SCR is turned-off when the anode current falls below

Thyristor A has rated gate current of 2 A and thyristor B is a rated gate current of 100 mA

In series connection, thyristor having the highest leakage resistance or low voltage current will share

Derating factors for parallel connection of thyristors are normally in the range

Equalising circuits are provided across each SCR in series operation to pro- vide uniform

For thyristors, pulse triggering is preferred to triggering because

In a GTO, anode current begins to fall when gate current

A UJT has one base resistance of 5.2 k. Its intrinsic stand of ratio is 0.67. The inter-base voltage of 12 V is applied across the two passes. The value of base current will be

When a UJT is used for triggering of an SCR, the waveshape of the voltage is a

As compared to UJT, SUS

UJT oscillators are used for gate-triggering of thyristors for

When transistors are used in series or parallel, a snubber circuit is used to

If gate current is increased, the anode-cathode voltage at which SCR closes is

The uncontrolled electronic switch employed in power-electronic converters is

It is recommended to use UJT oscillator for gate-triggering of the thyristors mainly because

Which of the following conditions is necessary for triggering system for thyristors?

Power MOSFET is a

With gate open, a SCR can be turned-on by making supply voltage

Which of the following PNPN devices does not have a gate terminal?